Open Day

We held an open day here at the yard on Sunday past. It was a great success and I think everyone that came along enjoyed there morning. We had some horses out for a canter so that people could watch and we had posters on all the stable doors so attendees could learn a bit more about each individual horse. Most importantly we had lots of teas, coffees and home baking everyone to enjoy! We raised over £500 for Racing Welfare on the day which was just fantastic, people are so generous.We have been a bit light on the runners front over the last couple of weeks due to the lack of rain but we have plenty horses fit and ready to go when it comes. Spartakos, Gweedore, Rue De La Gaite and Mr Luigi all hold entries this weekend at Musselburgh. The first two would likely take their chances on good ground but the latter two would want to really get their toe in.Rockley Point is gearing up for a winter campaign and is about 80% fit just now so you will likely see him out soon, he does love Catterick when its soft so perhaps a couple of October runs there before he heads to Newcastle for the winter would be Plan A.We have half a dozen NH horses that are ready to head out and take their chances when the season gets underway and the weather is more helpful. They have been doing a spot of schooling all taking it well in their stride. Pictured is Top Medici (Topgun) having a pop this morning under Stephen.




Gweedore, New Arrivals, Rehoming Racehorses and Rain