Gweedore, New Arrivals, Rehoming Racehorses and Rain

Hard to believe that we are half way through July already.  The highlight of the past few weeks has undoubtedly been Gweedore winning at Ayr, he was as game as you could ask for.  He is such a consistent type and a dream horse for his owners and myself.  There are plenty races coming up for him but like many in our yard he could do with some rain before he takes up his next engagement.Spartakos has ran a few consistent races of late for his owners Making Headway Racing and a spot of rain will see him in the winners enclosure in the near future.  His owners also purchased dual winning mare Rue De La Gaite recently at the sales, it is exciting to have a flat stayer in the yard as it is something that we have been lacking of late.  There are shares available in her so get in touch if interested.Tonights Panorama 'The Dark Side Of Horseracing' will be a tough watch for anyone and I am not sure whether or not I will be a viewer, I am not entirely sure that my stomach would take it.  I love horses - I love animals and I find it hard to comprehend how anyone can choose to treat them poorly.We strive to rehome our horses into forever homes where they will be retrained to do a job that suits them, whether that be eventing, hunting or even just to be a field companion.  I am very proud when I see one of our former horses enjoying life at any level.  If we ever have a horse that suffers an injury that will remove quality of life for them then I will always make sure that I take full responsibility for them and make sure they are treated with care and dignity until the end.  I am sure this is the case in the vast majority of yards, where racehorses are treated like royalty throughout their careers.Pictured is my Retrained Racehorse Caerlaverock or 'Rory'.  Formerly With Alan Swinbank and Rose Dobbin he is great at dressage, showjumping, hunting, common ridings, leading youngsters and teaching young riders.  A true all rounder.Our next runner will be The Mackem Torpedo for URSA Major Racing at Newcastle this Saturday, we are really looking for rain to get more of the yard out and about!


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A Busy Week