Back Racing?!

It is looking positive that racing will begin south of the border on Monday if all goes well with the Governments announcement this week.  We have a couple of entries to make for Newcastle but not holding my breath that the horses will get in due to the inevitable high demand for runners and limited field sizes that is likely to cause a lot of balloting.Scotland are lagging a little behind in the phased return at the moment and worryingly there has not been much talk on the resumption of professional sport for us.  I emailed our MP John Lamont yesterday and hopefully we will have more of an idea of a timeline in the next few days. Health is number 1 but we also need to move forwards when safe to do so and get back to keeping our businesses safe, and training some winners!We had the exciting addition of scales added to the yard last week which will be a great asset for us going forwards. We will learn our horses optimum weights through time which will help performance and it is also useful tool for medicine administration. We will weigh them every Monday and also pre and post race. We are always looking to improve and I am confident this is a step in that direction. The picture is of Wee Dracula being weighed this morning.Stay safe everyone, hopefully we will be back out and about soon!  


August Runners


Keeping Busy