Keeping Busy

We are doing our best to stay happy and positive but I think we can all agree that it is pretty tough to do at the minute. I know I am lucky to be fit, healthy and working but the days are long and a little dull with no racing on the cards.Our horses are all well, we have some flat horses that will be ready to run at the drop of a hat and some National Hunt horses just coming back in to work which is great. The 2yos keep us going as it’s exciting watching them develop and improve week to week. They are all showing some ability and I can’t wait to get them out and about.We have been keeping busy doing some work around the yard as well. Continuing with pressure washing, disinfecting and painting. Our starting stalls have also had an up cycle with all the wood being replaced and we have erected a solid would stall for our babies to walk through in the breaking in process. All improvements to stand the yard in good stead for the future.Hopefully we will be back race planning soon.


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