Ardbruce Wins

It has been a quiet couple of weeks for us on the runners front but we had a great day last Saturday at Overton point to point where Abby steered her fathers Ardbruce to victory in the maiden. After a few weeks knocking on the door it was great to see them get their first win. She turned him out again yesterday at Tranwell where he finished a good third in a much more competitive affair. Hopefully she gets a few more spins on him before the end of the season as they have progressed in to a super partnership.

Although we had no runners this week we did head down to Newcastle on Wednesday morning with Gweedore and Spartakos (pictured below) to give them a stretch out ahead of their seasonal debuts. Abby rode Gweedore, while Spartakos was partnered by Sam James, they done a nice piece of on the bridle work over 9 furlongs and it will bring them on ahead of the turf season. It is a fantastic opportunity to get them out in to the racecourse environment and we are very grateful to Newcastle for accommodating us.

One frustration this week is that we had Castlegrange entered in what looked a nice opportunity at Kelso tomorrow, we were hoping for a spot of easy ground to get him back out on the track. However, with the way the weights worked in his race and the lack of declarations in the top half of the entries he would have been allocated an obscene 12 stone 12 so we had to swerve that engagement with him. To add insult to injury its raining just now!

Our next planned runners are That’s Your Lottie at Sedgefield on Friday and Celtic Dancer at Newcastle on Saturday.


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