
Sunday’s are a little different here on the yard. On the main the horses are exercised Monday through to Saturday and enjoy a Sunday off where they will spend a bit of time in the field. Any horses that are entered up to run or require an extra spot of work will be ridden out. Therefore most of the morning is spent bringing horses in and out of the field, changing rugs, washing legs and mucking out.It’s been a tough week for the yard with Stoney Rover moving on, very hard have any horse leave the yard but he was a special soul and it was a tough day for all the girls on the yard. Anyway ‘onwards and upwards’ as they say and the saving grace is that his stable was only vacant for a couple of hours. We have 4 new horses arrived at the yard this week so plenty to look forwards to. A mixture of flat and NH, raced and unraced so plenty to keep us busy!I am thrilled with the way that Gweedore ran on Friday night, a good 2nd pulling away from the 3rd horse well.  He’s a fantastic big horse that can only improve as he strengthens in to his frame and matures.Entries this week at Carlisle, Sedgefield and Newcastle! 




2020, Onwards And Upwards