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This week we have moved on a 4yo filly that was struggling to make the grade on the racecourse to a new loving home.  She is a lovely filly with a fantastic attitude that deserves to be someone's number 1.It got me thinking about the other horses that we have moved on and sold over the past few years.  At a local hunt fun ride last week we bumped in to one of our past recruits Stormion who is loving his Riding Club/Hunting home, Floral Future was with us for a while and is a great common riding horse locally at Jedburgh, Bolton Blue is living happily with his new owners near Carlisle, Petre Island is a little closer to home at Hawick and Benefit In Kind has settled in to a loving home right on the west coast.  One of the biggest success stories to come out of the yard has been Blue Thor who struggled with stamina on the racecourse but has set an illustrious record British Eventing over the last couple of years after plenty of hard work by his owner/rider.  It is amazing when these owners keep in touch, and nowadays with fb its easy to follow their new career.I have my own 'recycled racehorse' Caerlaverock or Rory as he is known on the yard.  He is a huge asset in leading out the youngsters, schooling and fresh ones on a Monday and he also fits in some light competing as well.Just keep in mind these lovely local horses when you are looking for something new.  There are so many incentives now with Retraining of Racehorses running lots of classes, check out more info.


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