JANUARY 30TH, 2016

A supreme effort this week from all the staff to get the horses out every day, we have been deluged with rain, thunder and lightening, gale force winds and then some severe snow storms today to finish the week off in style. Although we have kept the yard on the go with minimal complaining about frozen fingers and wet feet it has not been the most pleasant week to be a work rider and everyone deserves top marks for sticking at it.Yet again a lack of runners due to weather conditions over last week and the week coming. There were suitable races for horses both at Ayr and Newcastle but Ayr looks unlikely to go ahead and Newcastle have now abandoned all their hurdles and the bumper to replace it with an all chase card.Stormion and Bruce were aiming to run at The Jedforest point-to-point at Friarshaugh tomorrow but that has also fallen victim to the weather, frustrating for a young jockey looking to get going. Bruce made a great job of his first televised interview on Friday evening on Get In, a great experience that will hopefully help put his name on the map. He was also lucky enough to speak to Barry Geraghty and get some advice as well.Here's hoping February brings us some better weather although looking at Monday and Tuesday's forecast I fear that may not be the case.......


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