Highs and Lows of August

August has been a great month for our runners, from our small string of four flat horses we have produced three winners and a second. Naples Bay winning on Thursday at Carlisle means that we have now won with all of our flat horses which is a great testament to the yard.  That win on Thursday was also a landmark first win under rules for his jockey Eireann Cagney, not one to rest on his laurels Eireann followed that up with a second win the following day. Most Of Naples Bay’s owners made it along to Carlisle so it was a great afternoon and they were rewarded for their patience. We just need Rockley Point to buck his ideas up after a couple of poor runs and I will be happy.Unfortunately August was marred by the loss of our lovely big mare Rory’s Valentine after a short battle with colic. Not only did ‘Lily’ give us a great day winning at Perth at 66/1 in Sylvia’s green and white colours but she was a lovely, gentle character who will be much missed at Lindean.The team from Hawick Vets were amazing through a very tough 24 hours as were the girls on the yard, family, friends and owners. Lucky to have such an amazing support team through both the bad times and the good. An empty stable in a yard through these circumstances is really harrowing for everyone.The weather is making the rugging situation very difficult at the moment, 16 degrees one night and then 8 degrees the next is a bit of a nightmare. Unfortunately I can see us starting clipping very soon!


A Year Ago Today....


Night Law Part 2