Highs and Lows

It’s been frustrating week and a half on the yard.After the happiness of Rockley Point at Hamilton last Monday we were left head scratching by Rory’s Valentines poor performance at Perth on the Thursday.  Thankfully she seems totally fine after being checked over by vets and we have to perhaps write the run off as a bad day, although we aren’t convinced that she enjoyed the lose surface.We would have loved to have had Rockley Point straight  back out last week as he was so well in himself but lack of rain prevented that and we look to Ayr next Thursday to get him back out on the track.We had four entries for kelso this coming Sunday but with the ground being on the firm side of good we have only declared 2 and will be watching the weather closely. This time last year the ground was well on the easy side and we were getting plenty of runners so it is very frustrating especially when the horses have been worked, schooled and prepped to go.  It is sometimes hard to not run, especially if you think you have a horse with a chance but it is a long season ahead and we want to keep the horses sound, fit and well.  I never like to run a horse on fast ground unless it is what they truely need, they are a long time off injured.  Anyway give me a month and I will be complaining there is too much rain.On the plus side the horses are all in good form. We have been fortunate to have Callum Bewley, Thomas Wilmott and Stephen Mulqueen all in to ride out over the past week.  It is great for them to have a sit on the horses that they will hopefully be partnered up with come race day, and I always think that an outside perspective can be useful.  Stephen in particular has been in a lot the last few weeks working hard on schooling Knocklayde and I am very grateful.Another job this week has been topping up the surface on our sand canter circle, we opted to top it up with shredded carpet to help us fight the frost come the winter months.  It was a mammoth task and I spent 7 hours last Saturday shovelling and raking out carpet but hopefully it will be worth it. It is a glamorous life I lead!


Two Days at Ayr


Shares Available in Winning Sprinter