Christmas 2019

Not sure how we are already at Christmas Eve it feels like this winter has flown in so far!Unfortunately no Boxing Day racing for us this year so I am hoping to get a couple hours out behind the hounds on Thursday, all being well at home.  Our next entry is at Southwell on the 29th in the shape of 2 yo Gweedore, his first run for the yard so very excited to get him out on the track. Then we will head to Musselburgh on New Years Day and Ayr on the 2nd.Plenty staff in working tomorrow and the routine on the yard doesn’t change much over the festive period- the horses still need fed, looked after and exercised the same as every other day of the year. Lucky to have such fantastic staff to keep the show on the road. They really are the best team!Its a bit of a different Christmas Day for us as a family this year as our restaurant Quins is closed for the first time ever, meaning there’s is only one business to run for the day. Much more time for relaxing in between shifts on the yard!We have the most amazing bunch of owners, supporters and followers so a massive Merry Christmas to everyone when it comes. I hope you all have the best time with family and friends.


2020, Onwards And Upwards


Stoney Rover