Busy Week

Its been a busy week here at the yard.  We kicked off the week prepping horses for their runs at Carlisle and Kelso and doing plenty of clipping as well!On Thursday the team split in two. Hayley, Abby, Murray and Sylvia headed to Carlisle with our two declared runners HERECOMESNELSON and RORY’S VALENTINE and myself and Eddie headed down to Doncaster HIT sales.  Myself and Eddie had a great morning securing the purchase of two consistent flat handicappers and decided to drive back via Carlisle as we had plenty time to make our races.  Unfortunately news was reaching us that the ground at Carlisle was both walking and riding far faster than it had been described and we decided to withdraw both horses on safety concerns.  Very frustrating as had we known the ground was on the fast side of good a lot of time, money and work could have been saved and the horses would have stayed at home.The new horses NAPLES BAY and ROBBEN RAINBOW were safely delivered by C and C transport on Friday and I am very happy with them, I have had a seat on them both and they will now head on their holidays and be prepared for a spring/summer campaign.Declarations for Kelso on Friday caused another headache due to the lack of rain yet again producing quick ground. KNOCKLAYDE found the pace a bit quick last time he ran on fast ground and NEWSTART  has quite a knee action so it was a sensible decision not to declare these two however frustrating it is.  This left us with STONEY ROVER and CHAIN OF BEACONS  to represent the yard. STONEY ROVER suffered an early unseat but looked every inch the racehorse and is declared to run at Ayr tomorrow.  CHAIN OF BEACONS ran a blinder but a little too fresh to finish a close third.  Both horses won Best Turned Out and were a credit to the yard and Hayley’s fabulous plaiting skills.As well as heading to Ayr tomorrow with STONEY ROVER we have ROCKLEY POINT in at Catterick on Tuesday, he doesn’t have the best draw and ideally we would like some more rain but is in great form at home.If everyone could do a rain dance for us we would appreciate it-we want these National Hunt horses out and running!!!!  


Highs and Lows


Two Days at Ayr