A Busy Start to July

The summer has flown by and we are heading into our second week of July already.  It feels like we just turned out the National Hunt horses and already it’s getting time to bring them back in.  We have already brought in a couple that needed a bit extra walking and Physio work due to past injury so we have been keeping busy on the yard.Our 4 flat horses have been keeping us busy to.  Rockley Point is having a short mid-season break whilst we wait on a bit of rain and the other 3 are all entered up to run this week. Naples Bay is in at Ayr tomorrow and we hope he can put his last two runs behind him and come back to form.  Night Law makes her yard debut tomorrow, she’s a likeable little filly and if you go back through her form you could easily make a case for her running a good race, but she has been off the track for over 300 days.  Robben Rainbow is entered up to head to Catterick on Wednesday.I have an extra busy week planned as I am heading on down to Newmarket Sales from Catterick on Wednesday to look at some horses. Busmans holiday!We also have an extra special horse staying with us just now. 4yo  ‘Oakley’ (pictured) belongs to Vicky one of our vets and is here for some education.  He stayed with us for a few weeks to get backed last summer and is back in for a refresher course and to see some more of the world. He is a super character and definitely thinks he could give some of the racehorses a run for their money. 


Night Law


A Winner and a Holiday