Box Rest and The Proper Start of NH

Horses all well and healthy, it is myself that is on the easy list at the moment.  I had surgery on Thursday to secure a recurrent dislocating shoulder, something I have been putting off for years.  I am resigned to life in a sling for 6 weeks but happy that I am well enough to be pottering around the yard and watching the horses in the meantime.  Hopefully back to full fitness before I know it.We had a couple of our National Hunt team make their seasonal debuts at the weekend.  On Friday Flaming Glory jumped well round Hexham first time over fences to claim third for The Wee Guys.  Then on Sunday Getaway Gerry (pictured) put in a much more mature performance at Kelso to pick up fourth place for Mark Hay, Andy Machray and Murray Scott.  Both horses appear to have benefitted and matured from their extra long corona virus induced holidays.The big job around the yard at the moment is clipping as they are all growing winter coats at a rate of knots. At this time of year it really is a never ending job and in my absence it is Hayley that is tirelessly working her way through them.Our next entry is Grey Tikkana in the bumper at Hexham on Saturday.


A Welcome Winner


Busy Few Weeks