Life At Lindean On Lockdown

Life is all a bit strange and upside down at the moment but we are ensuring that our equine team are happy in their usual routine. We roughed of a large portion of our NH team when racing was cancelled and they are enjoying their rest.  A lot of our flat horses are in full work and the BHA are keen to get us back racing on the level as soon as it is deemed safe to do so.Despite the lack of racing, morale on the yard remains high mainly due to the lovely team of young horses that we are producing for when things do get going. We are working away with 5 2yos as well as 3 lovely bumper horses for the future. It is great to see them improving every day and a very satisfying job to be doing. We have most of our flat handicappers on the go as well and they will be a ready to crack on when the season finally gets underway. It’s a bit tricky as we are training towards an unknown date but we are keeping their work varied to keep them happy and interested.This is a hard and scary time, I am very fortunate to still be working and to have a positive team around me in such an uncertain time. Our owners have been amazing as well.Stay safe everyone. 


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