Fun Syndicate Opportunity

3yo Filly by Scorpion For Lease in SharesAriana is up for lease for the forthcoming NH season, there is no buy in fee and the agreement will end at the end of 2017. She boasts an impressive page and from her breeding looks a likely bumper type. Her mother breeding page is below and her sire Scorpion has made a stong impact as a NH sire. She has been backed and ridden away with no fuss and has shown a lovely attitude.This is a great way to dabble in owning a racehorse but without the financial commitment of buying your own. Having a horse at this stage in its career is definitely the most exciting time as you learn about them and plan their future.The benefits include being part of a fun yard, visiting Ariana and seeing her at work, days out at the races and seeing Ariana running at some of our local tracks.She is still to be officially named.£30/week for 10% share. Any questions please contact me, Katie 07826344577


Kelso Races
