Christmas 2015

Not much changes at the yard Christmas week, it’s still all hands on deck commander du viagra en belgique.  Must say a huge thanks to all the owners that have kindly handed in presents for the staff-it’s all very appreciated!

Slightly more promising weather forecast this week and we are looking to Wetherby on Boxing Day for our next runner Kalastar.  We also have a few a few to enter for Kelso and some intended runners over new year as well.  Will be good to get back into the swing of things if we get some more reasonable ground.

Exciting  that our 3yo Knocklayde is starting to look like he is ready for a race and we will look to the end of Jan/Feb to get him on to the track.

Two of our weekend/racing staff deserve a big well done this week.  Lyndsay passed her HGV test on Monday and Jo passed her driving test today, well done girls!!!


HERE'S TO 2016!
