A Welcome Winner

Rockley Point putting his head in front last night was a huge lift to the yard after a tough couple of weeks.We very sadly lost one of owners who had also turned into a friend. Colin Black was an inspirational man who was very generous with his advice, thoughts and time. I attended his funeral on Friday and it was a very sad occasion but what a life to celebrate, there will be many people who live to see 100 and don’t achieve half of what Colin did.The yard was also left bereft by the loss of Western Lass to a heavy last fence fall at Musselburgh when she was running a huge race. ‘Sally’ as she was known on the yard had just came to a mark where she was starting to look competitive, she had been with us since been broken in, was very much loved and will be much missed by us all on the yard and her owner Edward.I always think when you are feeling low you are susceptible to picking up bugs and viruses and I started to feel ill myself and after a fair bit of moaning I was in the BGH a week past Sunday and diagnosed with the mumps. The cure-go to bed. No chance, busy week with runners and new arrivals  but I finally succumbed at the weekend and had to have a day of bed rest. All better now thankfully but massive credit to the team who have kept the show on the road when I’ve been running a little slow.So a big thanks to the amazing Rockley Point who gave the yard a huge boost last night after a trying time. Our other runners yesterday were Flaming Glory who was third at Sedgefield and Nellie French who also ran at Newcastle finishing a credible 5th and will now be allotted a handicap mark on Tuesday.Things have been busy at home as well with three new arrivals in keeping the yard at full capacity as we head into the summer. This is our busiest time as we still have National Hunt horses in but also all of our flat team are now shod and have started some work ready for the start of the turf campaign.We have Elite Icon at Hexham tomorrow and Getaway Gerry entered at Kelso on Monday.


